Marceli Klimek

Cuh Rs an anagram of Crush by Hayden Silas Anhedonia.

The fluidity of music, strength of album covers.

Opila, a digital bird, representation of relations. Experimentation with mythologising and applying symbolic meaning.

Ammonia, chaos, and change. Processing, creating, and destroying within the human mind and body.

Cuh Opilamonnia Rs is an exploration of interpersonal relationships through embroidery. Through this new piece Marceli aims to demonstrate embroidery as a fine art, as well as its potential purpose within craft and society.

He researches the strengths of embroidery for use in fashion. Playing with textile hierarchies of weave, print and, embroidery to deliver a diverse visual and sensory experience. Fashion, being a medium that can blur the boundaries of modern conceptual function, suits this high concept theoretical practice.

Modelling: Katya Freydina

Styling: Marceli Klimek

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